Serving Springfield, Illinois homeless community to make a better life.
Supported Housing Program
subsidized housing based upon client income
case management support
no limit to how long a client can stay
stable, safe, living environment
drug free, crime free, apartment complex
Housing Focused Emergency Shelter
case management & advocacy
an evening meal & comfortable bed
on-site health services from Central Counties Health Center, HSHS St. John's Hospital and Collage of Nursing, SIU Survivor Recovery Center and Memorial Behavioral Health
legal support
mental health services
resource referral
Eligibility, basic rules and guidelines for overnight shelter
Representative Payee Program
fiscal responsibility for client funds
case management & bill pay services
housing location if necessary and guaranteed shelter if needed at any time
Rapid Rehousing
rental and/or utility assistance to house individuals directly off the streets and into their own apartment
wrap around support services including case management for an individualized length of time